Fundamentals of Deep Learning
NvidiaCertificate of Excellence AWS Cloud Computing Competition
Worldskills IrelandHTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developers
The John Hopkins UniversityC# Course
CodecademyJavaScript Course
CodecademyTechnological University Dublin, Tallaght Campus
The Tallaght campus, situated in the southwest of Dublin City, spans an 18-hectare site bordered by Old Blessington Road, Belgard Road, and Greenhills Road in Tallaght, Dublin 24. Established in 1992, the campus hosts over 5,000 undergraduate students.
Grades: GPA 3.96
Below is a brief overview of how I evaluate and measure my skillset from an overall perspective. This is not a definitive measure of my abilities but provides an idea of how I perceive my strengths across different categories. While I have personal preferences that may influence my assessment, this should give you a general sense of my capabilities.
Work Expierence
Dunnes Stores
I worked for Dunnes Stores from September 2019, through the Covid-19 to Feburary of 2021. Here I assisted customers and kept the shelves stocked. I assisted the managers in taking stock of the latest supply, I worked on checkouts during the busy seasons such as christmas. I worked mostly on the shop floor stocking shelves from frozen, deli, dairy and minerals.
I worked with a team of 16 people, including data scientists, data engineers, data architects, cloud engineers, systems analysts and contractors. During this time I gained so much insight into the day to day running of an IT department. I had the oppurtunity to partake in data admisitrative work. A phenomenal expierence all round.
GTU or 'Gamer Time Universal' was a project I worked on in my second year of college with two friends. It was an ecommerce app for buying games online. I developed features like randomly generated vouchers sent to customers by email after certain purchases, and added a search bar. We built it using the Django Web Framework, consuming also the stripe API.
I worked on a software development project called Jira-Collab in collaboration with IBM for my final year thesis. It was a valuable experience to work with a major tech company on a real-world application while completing my degree. The project gave me practical insights into software development in a professional setting.
I built an application which consumes the Pexels API using Microsofts new Blazor WebAssembly C# Framework. Pexels is a place where photographers and videoographers upload and provide royalty free media content that content creators anyone can use for their own projects. My application is there to simplify the searching of said videos and or photos.
Early in my software development journey I was not only attending college but undertaking multiple online courses when I could. I found this particular course to be of great benefit when I was trying to grow my web development skills. I wanted to complement my learnings by attempting to apply some of these teachings to a small showcase site where I got to tell you what I did whilst taking the course.
Hobbies & Interests
Athletics & Fitness
I'm big into fitness. I've run for two clubs: Brothers Pearse from 2014 to the end of track season in 2019, and Tallaght Athletics Club from September 2019 to January 2020. I've competed in the All-Irelands and won some sprinting medals in the Dublins. I play tennis when I can, but these days I mostly do road running and cross country.
I started reading regularly a couple years ago and have kept it up since. You can find some of the books and their genres below if you're interested. It helps me stay focused and grounded during stressful times, like dealing with daily college life. It's turned out to be a pretty rewarding habit.